Q: What services does SAKURARA.VIP provides?
A: We provide personal shopping buying services/proxy buying services form Japan, Korea, U.S., Taiwan and Hong Kong.
Basically, we can help you purchase from almost any online store, and auction sites, such as Mercari, Otamart and Fril in Japan, and all online stores in Korea, U.S., Taiwan and Hong Kong. Including pre-order and pre-release items.
We also take direct orders, for rare, fast selling, and time & place limited items.
Please visit our Product Request page, for proxy services, and In-stock/Back-in stock page for direct order services.
If we cannot order your item(s), we will 100% refund you the total payment amount (excluding credit card service charges).
Q: How much does it cost to use SAKURARA.VIP?
A: Our service charges differs between 10%-30% in accordance to total item(s) price, services required per order, and variations between currencies.
For rare and time & place event limited items, additional costs may required as well.
Q: What are the addition costs to use SAKURARA.VIP?
A: For all orders, including customized orders and quotation orders, there is a minimum required amount that is¥15,000yen per order. If total item(s) ordered is less than ¥15,000yen, an additional charge of a Minimum Order Fee $ 15USD will be applied towards payment.
If a customer wishes to make several purchases using our Product Request/ Quotation page, and the amount of total item(s) purchased exceeds ¥15,000yen. We will refund the additional charge(s) by credit towards your International Shipping Fees.
Q: What stores can I buy from?
A: Basically, we can help you purchase from almost any online store, and auction sites, such as Mercari, Otamart and Fril in Japan, and all online stores in Korea, U.S., Taiwan and Hong Kong. Including pre-order and pre-release items.
Q: Are there items I cannot buy?
A: Yes, prohibited items, please refer to our list of prohibited items.
We also cannot buy or ship spray cans or pressurized containers, frozen goods, refrigerated goods or perishables.
Q: What are the prohibited items?
Q: Can I request for a product is not on the web site?
A: Yes, please use our Product Request/ Quotation page, or you may contact our customer service team, we can customize the order for you.